For actual Halloween this year it fell on Friday which meant, after some cajoling, Ron was able to join us for trick or treating. We had a very busy day starting with a playdate at the Ma's with Zola and Zadie. Then we were off to get the kids photo taken with a professional who offered her services for free! Next, pick up Ron from work and head out to the suburbs for trick or treating at Uncle Luke and Aunt Stacie's house. We all had fun going door to door in their neighborhood. Much more convenient in the suburbs then in the city. Almost every house was participating and lots were gung-ho. Parents dressed up to open doors, entire cemetery scenes on the front lawn. One house even had a blow up tunnel to go through! We were about to go one more block when Violet spied our car in Luke's driveway and she declared she was "tired of this" so we packed it in. She gave out candy to the older, later trick or treaters at Luke's and she seemed to enjoy that just as much. Both kids had a blast, and in one evening had more candy then they ever have in their short lives!
1 comment:
Love the costumes, but what's going on with V's expression? Sourballs??
Jack looks sooooo cute.
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