Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Part 1

The Saturday before Halloween, we went to a new (for us) indoor play place for their Halloween party. The last two years we have gone to Bubbles for their party, but this one happened to be on a Saturday making it easier for Ron to come too. It was really a cute place and if this winter gets too claustrophobic I am sure we will be back. Not too much of a party though, mostly just open play. However, the kids left with a balloon making it the greatest party ever in their eyes. Violet this year requested to be a mermaid. Although after I finished her costume she said she wanted to be a fairy. Guess who won that one. Jack went as a fisherman (albeit an under developed concept). As he is just a tad bit too little to have an opinion and I wanted them to "go together". I think they look adorable.

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