Sunday, November 2, 2008
Back with a (Blogging) Vengeance
Violet and Jack continue to be each other's best bud. It is amazing to me the breadth of Jack's vocabulary at 20 months. I guess that is the benefit (side-effect) of being a younger sibling. He is acquiring new words daily and can usually parrot back unfamiliar words. He is also doing his best to keep up with Violet in the physical sense. Matching her daring in almost everyway. We are taking a park district gymnastics class (thanks Grampy) that not only teaches the basics but includes time on the balance beam and bars, etc. This for Violet is heaven thanks to her summer viewing of the Olympics; aka China . Both kids really enjoy this hour and are seemingly fearless. I have to be extra careful with two daredevils. I will be with one of them on the (high up) balance beam trying to makes sure they don't crack their skull, when I glance across the huge gym only to see the other attempting the rings by themselves. You would think staying close to V would be the safest bet but Jack is usually the perpetrator of the most dangerous stuff. At the end of the hour it is me who feels like a nap! Speaking of naps, both kids are currently off the nap. Jack never really took to the whole nap concept. I kept thinking as he got older it would just resolve. Violet at this age could be counted on a definite 3 hour nap. Jack just won't do it. I have tried everything I can thing of so I now embrace the no nap... at least I don't want to tear my hair out at the end of the day. Violet still would take a little nap on most days, but I try to prevent that or she does not want to go to bed until 10pm!
Halloween Part 2
Halloween Part 1
The Saturday before Halloween, we went to a new (for us) indoor play place for their Halloween party. The last two years we have gone to Bubbles for their party, but this one happened to be on a Saturday making it easier for Ron to come too.
Budding Annie Leibovitz
Violet loves to take pictures with the camera. Usually her fingers play a starring role. After deleting about 45 pixs, I thought I would post some of the standouts.
Babies and Birds
Back in early October, we went to the QC's for Luke and Stacie's baby shower. Violet and
Jack's future cousin is due in December, although Aunt Stacie is hoping for Thanksgiving.
It was a lovely party and as you can see Jack was practicing for the role of older cousin with
his 2nd cousin Addison. While almost as big as Jack, Addison is a mere 9 months in this photo.
Isn't she adorable.
As for the birds part of this title, on the drive in
a suicidal bird chose our vehicle as a means for its end. About an hour away from our destination I saw a bird coming toward the car. While traveling 70mph, with cars behind and next us, I thought the bird (hawk?) would just fly over us as the always do. Not this kamikaze. Smack right in to us. Hard enough to send glass into the car. Luckily no one was injured and I kept the car on the straight. Scary though.
Sleeping Beauties
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