For her first friend birthday party, Violet had a real blowout. Since our place is slightly overcrowded, Aunt Sarah sponsored a party a real cool place called The Kids Table. Violet and her friends made their own individual pizzas, rolling out the dough, spreading the sauce and choosing the toppings. While the pizza's baked, the kids made fresh lemonade and fruit kabobs. Finally everyone got to frost their own little cake. All this while the parents enjoyed an adult beverage! - what a great idea Sarah -
It was really fun and I hope Violet has some great memories (I know I do). Thanks to everyone who was able to share in this with us. And a special thanks to Aunt Sarah, world's greatest sis.
In her preschool class she was crowned queen of the day and brought a special treat for her classmates. Things have changed quite a bit since I was in school, and treats no longer get to be eaten in class and must be in sealed packages. So no homemade cupcakes for me to make; instead she brought fruit leather. I also skated on making her a cake for home as well. Grampy, who was spending the week with us, splurged on a fancy bakery cake. Violet loved it and it was as delicious as it was beautiful. I could think of no more perfect cake for my princess/fairy obsessed daughter than this ethereal stunner. Lately when Violet wakes up and recounts her dreams, they are always about fairies.

1 comment:
What a great idea for a party! I am just sad we missed it and missed Violet turning 4! Where has the time gone? Funny she is into faries too --- all Kaya can talk about is faries, esp. tinkerbell and friends. Did you make the cake? Is that Rosetta on top? Hopefully you guys finally got the book we sent, sorry if it was difficult to pick up, next time i'll just send things to Kristen :)
Hope you had a fantastic New Year and jolly o'l christmas with the family. We miss you guys!
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