forward to this all summer long. I hope it meets her expectations. Here is a
photo of her on the first day. She is going in the afternoons from 12:10 to 2:40.
It is a nice break for me as the noise level in the house drops by about 75%.
Jack misses her right when she leaves, and periodically when she is gone says
"I miss Violet, I want to go to school too". But we have been able to spend time
just the two of us (sort of) as the babies are starting to settle into a regular nap pattern - some may call it a "schedule".
Ron has been helpful taking her when he can, working at the nearby coffee shop for the duration and running her home. It sure is easier when I don't have to schlep all five of them to drop her off.
Next year both Violet and Jack can go - whoohoo!
We are so glad to hear that Violet likes school. Of course, I am partial to that age group!!
You guys are doing a great job with your little ones. Keep up the good work and take care of each other.
Aunt Janice & Uncle Charles
Ahh - what a break - only 4 children (all in diapers)! ;)
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