So as I am sure everyone who reads this by now already knows, we received startling news today. Going in for a diagnostic test, which included an ultrasound, we discovered to the shock of all (including the MD performing the scan) that I am prego with triplets!!! All seems to be well with the the three, can't say the same for the mom (not sure when I will recover from the shock). We have a set of identical twin boys and a fraternal twin; sex to be determined. As I was by myself, or as by myself as a mom of two can be - Violet and Jack where with me - I called Ron from the car and asked him if I could pick him up immediately. Since he knew I was having this test and I was evasive on the phone he thought something might be wrong. When he got in the car, I handed the ultrasound photo with the three placenta's labeled A, B and C. He got it right away and in his typical optimistic self was/is thrilled.
I have, meanwhile, come around from the shock, and look forward to becoming a mom to 5!

wow. crazy and amazing! Thanks for scanning and posting. We are excited to meet the Triple Payne's, but also hope they take their time in greeting us. ;) You have all our love and support!
One big houseful of Paynes! Wow, what an adventure. I know it will be challenging, but you'll do a great job. I love you both. Now I'll have 7 of you to love!
No Way! I just found out from Kristen! What exciting and shocking news! If you need anything....holla!
Not that this is at the top of your priority list, but did you get into Burr?
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