Friday, February 13, 2009

Weekend madness

Violet and Jack love to play camp out with Dad. Every weekend our floor is cluttered with pillows and blankets, the couch is turned into an airplane (so Violet can visit Aunt Sarah in California), and her suitcase is packed full of the essentials. If some article of clothing turns up missing I always know were to look first. Jack loves to follow along in any game Violet comes up with, it is really adorable to watch their growing bond. I am however waiting for the day when Jack comes up with games and wonder how well Violet will do in the follower role. Another favorite game is school although that mainly consists of pushing chairs around the house for "desks". Since she has not had any experience with school she does not quite know what to do with her assembled "class".
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1 comment:

Miss Payne said...

Looks like a fun camp out!