Sadly, this past weekend, we had to return the (came to be) much beloved van. As unPC as it was we loved it. So much space! Two cars in the city! 13mpg! It was awesome!
We visited Ron's Grandmother who lives in Carter Lake, Iowa. With all the recent flooding the lake she lives on (you guessed it - Carter Lake. Those clever Iowans) was higher than it had been it years. Ron really wanted to take the kids in, reliving some childhood fun of his. Violet was game, but Jack did not want anything to do with the cold murky water. They had tons of fun and I even went in for a minute.
After the day at the lake we headed to the Omaha Zoo with Ron's cousin Laurie, her 4 year son Simon, and Ron's Mom. It was a really nice day 75 in July! At the zoo there are roving peacocks which must be pretty docile animals judging by the amount of chasing they endure. Violet crashed in the wagon covering her ears to block out the noise. A little trick she learned from her buddy AJ who has doing this on this last field trip bus we were all on together.
Sayonara van, we hardly knew ya.
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