Saturday, July 26, 2008
Oh my God, they are taking over
Is this our future - the kids banding together to problem solve? I think we are in for a crazy few years (decades). I guess we will start with seeing what tomorrow brings.
Tent love
So this is Lincoln Park, huh!?!
We finally made it to Adams Park. Our friends the Long's (who are now in Singapore) clued us into this park last year, but we never made it. In a moment of enthusiasm, I decided to load up and take the bus over there. The Ma's were game to join us and I am so glad we checked it out. It is I think the best park we have been to in the city! The kids spent 5, yes 5 hours there - So much to do. Not only an amazing little splash pool with a slide, but the big hit, a sandbox. For those of you who don't love the sandbox, let me extol its virtues. An enclosed space that nobody tries to escape from. Literally hours of strife free playing. The kids are so engrossed I actually had conversations with other moms. The park itself is really clean (not a shard a glass to be spied) and tons of toys in the sandbox kept me from having to schlep ours there. I walked home so the kids could squeeze a nap in and Ron actually beat us home! What a perfect day.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I can help you
Not quite as light as a doll, Violet still gets the job done. JAck seems non-plussed.
A few of Jack's favorite things
Jack also really loves when we read to him. He will go find a book and bring it to one of us and will sit intently to listen to multiple readings. Current faves are Polar Bear, Polar Bear what do you hear and The Red Barn. He really seems drawn to animals, although not some much live ones.
One of his favorite games is ring around the rosey. After falling down, he will imediately reach up to grab a hand for another go. Violet is thrilled about this development. I however am ready for Candyland.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Swimsuits, swimsuits, swimsuits!
Lately, it has been a struggle to get the kids (mostly V) dressed in the morning - we are late for everything. When I do manage to get clothes on and leave the house, as soon as we return they are quickly jettisoned to make way for the beloved swimsuit. Or swimsuits as Violet loves them all equally. Ron has pointed out she owns more then he has cumulatively
She has taken to creating her own "pool" out of the foam blocks. So of course she needs to wear her swimsuit. At least she has not asked for it to be filled with water - yet!
Our kids are becoming accomplished beach goers. Already having seen more bodies of water in there short lives than I had by the time I was 30. Here is a video of Violet at North Ave Beach. One of her favorite beach activities is to be buried. In this clip, Ron is trying to get her to burst out like the Hulk ( always a fanboy). She needed a little assist, but once emerged did her best impression.
We took the bus; we are still trying to keep the new and improved car as neat as possible. Of course North Ave poses a parking challenge anyway. The water was pretty cold but neither Violet or Ron seemed to mind - they went all the way in. Jack, being a little more reticent, only required me to dip my feet in. He did allow his feet to get wet too . So progress.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Pitts gets hitched
Before we dropped the van off in Omaha, we had a detour to Des Moines to witness an old college friend get married. Ryan was in both Ron's and my wedding as well as my brother Luke and Stacie's wedding. Needless to say, as anyone who knows Ryan can attest, his charm has won over my whole family. We were all present to be part of his special day - except my mom who was still dealing with the aftermath of the flood.
It was an intimate ceremony in the backyard of his parents home where Ryan and his groomsmen rowed in to meet his bride. After deeply personal and heartfelt vows the celebration began. Ryan, being the head chef at RL restaurant had a hand in all the food. And he did not disappoint!
We all had a lovely time - and being that we had our kids taken care of for the night, we had a real lovely time.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
This past weekend we drove out to my brother's house to help build their new deck. Some of us were more help (Ron) most of us were less than helpful and just hung out, trying to stay out of the way. It is going to be a really big deck and the guys managed to frame it out in 2 days. No major injuries were reported. Looking forward to the first BBQ invite.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Omaha or Bust
Just add water
We nixed the home pool idea (for now) and just let the kids go to town we buckets of water in the kitchen. After using every towel in the house to sop up the mess - I underestimated how much fun pouring water in the floor would be for them. I think it would have been less messy to use the pool!
Oh well, An hour killed and I got to finish my book.