Now that we are on virtual house arrest after 8pm we decided to invest in some in home entertainment. Settling on an Xbox (and feeling like a 14 year old in line at Best buy) we also got the requisite Rock Band. Turns out Violet is born to rock. She will grab the guitar or set up the drums and say "mama I want to rock out". Don't know where she could have gotten all that hamminess, Ron?
Awesome. We LOVE that game, almost as much as Violet? Can't wait until Jack and AJ can join the band...
Bloggity blog blog blog... I figured it out. So far, it's Jack 1 and Violet like 7 on the pics. And you dare to say child number 2 isn't ignored! Please visit http://homepage.mac.com/sarahjoey/photoalbum10.html to see my tribute to the underappreciated.
Rock On V! I can't wait to play with you again.
(I think this might be the FIRST ever blog comment I've ever submitted before). I have to admit I check it when I come to work in the mornings. Violet looks awesome with that guitar around her neck...she's a natural. She should start a band with Jack and the other girl from the birthday party.
Hope you guys are doing well!
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