Nap time became a repetition of retrieving Dash from Ben or Georgia's crib. Thankfully it was less a problem at bedtime. However, naps or in the morning Georgia or Ben's cries meant they were trying to sleep but Dash wanted to play . . . often on top of them.
Parental debates were held. Do we get netting? chicken wire? Since Violet does not keep secrets and we want to avoid a visit from DCFS (Violet said we keep the babies in cages? wherever could she have gotten that idea?) The only option seemed to be a switch to toddler beds. The thought seemed too nightmarish to contemplate.
However, after Ben's crib started to look like it was about to fall apart under the stress of 2-3 of them shaking the sides at once we decided to bite the bullet. We've had the beds in the basement since the summer. It was time for installation.
The switch has not been as bad as it could have been. It actually started off pretty good. The Paynelets watched construction with rapt attention and they were all very excited about their new beds. The first few nights they actually went to bed and stayed there. Since then they have reveled in their freedom and ability to turn on the lights. Bedtime is now playtime - but that is certainly better than crib explosions. Erin is the best though - she has the magic touch to get them to sleep in short order.