On Friday we went downtown in search of Ron's Father's Day present. He, not leaving it up to me, had taken a photo of the exact shirt he wanted . Mission not accomplished -but I think a far superior choice was made. Anyway, the natives were getting restless so we decided to pop over to Millennium Park. After about 30 seconds in the reflecting pool it was clear we were going to be going Club Med and making it clothing optional. Luckily I was able to keep the diaper on her.
This past week the kids and I, poor Ron had to stay home, went to California to visit my sister. Not only does she have a sweet pad a mere block from the beach... She also has a Disneyland hook-up so we all got in free!! It was a great time. Starting with the plane ride, my mom decided she would come with us - what a huge help. We had plenty of tricks up our sleeves. Oh the power of new stickers and a necklace made out of fruit loops. No sooner did we get there and the fun started. The weather was beautiful and therefore we mostly hung out at the beach. The kids love playing in the sand and can spend hours building castles and burying their feet. Violet per her typical MO made new friends while Jack spent most of his time either chasing birds or nursing. I definitely see the lure of Cali.